So, it's March. Which in most of the Northern Hemisphere means the beginning of Spring. Not necessarily in Northern New England. The storm started Friday afternoon, and finished Saturday morning. It started as snow, then ended up icy, so all the lawns and snow piles have a lovely crusty sparkling frosting. The six foot icicle dangling from the roof outside my bedroom window went to it's shattering demise this morning. It was pretty cool while it grew. The pictures are of the snow the plow guy cleared from my driveway. "It's gonna be a three plow storm, ma'am." Guess that's how storms are gauged around here. Almost all of the snow from the previous storms had melted during our taunt of spring earlier in the week. This tease of green turned off the safe driving mechanism in people's brains because of all the accidents on Friday afternoon. An ice storm is forecasted for tomorrow night. Lovely.
Happy first day of Spring everyone.
Happy first day of Spring everyone.