Thursday, June 26, 2008

Crazy is What Crazy Does

Boyhowdy things have been wicked busy around here lately! Thought things would start to settle down once Andrew left for San Diego. Yeah. Right.

Last day of school was Thursday. It was supposed to have been Wednesday, but we used an extra snow day, so it was Thursday. Thank Gawd!

Friday, Andrew went to Action Club for a couple of hours, then a dentist appointment, then lunch with Mom at work, then to a friend's house. I was able to get some work done in-between shuttles and appts.

Saturday was his Rookie Round Robin. He got an in-park Grand Slam!!! :) It was a great hit! Ball soared over all the kids' heads to the way back of the field!

Saturday was also his start of summer bbq. Experiencing day 2 of allergies gone wild, I could barely get out of my own way. I came very close to calling off the bbq, but I knew Andrew would be very upset if that happened. Fabulous friend Michael came over and pretty much got the thing going. Dare I say I'm forever in his debt? Probably not if he ever reads this, he'll hold me to it..... ;) I was so out of it in fact that as I was devouring my delicious turkey burger, I didn't realise until the last bite, that I had eaten a bun. A non-gluten free bun!! ACK! Immediate run upstairs for preventatives. BBQ was fun. Good times seemed to have been had by all.

Sunday, woke up even more sinusy miserable than the day before. No rest for the wicked. Off to the Red Sox game! Once we got to Lisa's parent's house, she drove to the commuter rail station, and it continued all someone else driving. I made it to our seats, and with the exception of musical seats by the boys, I sat in my seat unless I HAD to get up. We did not stay for all 13 innings, thankyouverymuch. We listened to the rest of the game on the ride home. Another good game & day.

Monday, I let someone else to ALL the driving. We walked to the train station and Amtrak'd it into Boston where we spent a fabulous day at the Museum of Science. On the way home, Andrew (starrrrrving) discovered he likes peanuts. "Yeah! They taste like they have peanut butter in them!"

Tuesday was supposed to be a day of rest before heading, yet again, to Boston. At Friday's dentist appointment, we found out he needed to get some fillings redone. Oh yeah. During all this fun of the past several days, Natasha had "tummy problems" where all the washable rugs had been washed numerous times, and are no longer on the floor. I finally got a sample to take to the vet. That errand was done prior to the dentist. (I found out I "get" to pill her twice a day for 10 days.....) Back from the dentist. Spent some time getting to the Pro level of Wii Bowling, then Andrew in the shower, packing, and off to Logan. All was running smoothly, and his plane was almost next in line to take off when a monsoon, that's what I'm going with, hit the airport. The runway was closed. It was about another hour before his plane finally took off. I saw what I thought was his plane take off, so I went to the Customer Service counter near the gate (parents/guardians of unaccompanied minors have to stay at the airport until the plane is airborne) and asked if the flight to San Diego had taken off yet. This woman clearly wasn't aware her job was to be friendly and helpful to customers. Her response was "I don't know. The ramp is closed and no flights are taking off or landing." I said, "really because I've just watched about a half dozen take off and land." She shrugged and went back to examining her fingernails. The set of grandparents with whom I had bonded during the typhoon were able to confirm the actual departure of the kids' flight, and we all left. Whew..... Do I even go into the circus of figuring out if Miche & I could meet for a brief cup of coffee? Nah, too convoluted and exhausting. Andrew landed safely in San Diego, and I attempted a good night's sleep.

Not such a good attempt. I went out to a lovely dinner with a friend once I got back home, and my guess is either the scallops were bad, or some hidden wheat infiltrated my meal. NO sleep from about 2:00am on, and FIVE Imodiums.... UGH.

Wednesday evening at the salon to cover my grays. Quick visit with friends, then home for yet another attempt of a good night's sleep.

Nope. Couldn't get to sleep forever, then once I did, couldn't stay asleep. Acupuncture after work, and am now hoping to sleep well. We shall see. Stay tuned.......

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


What is the purpose of hemorrhoids. Seriously. Is there one? I'm going with no, unless it is for pure annoyance....

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Good Question(s)

Yesterday morning:
Andrew: "Mom, if we have two eyes, why do we only see one thing?"
Me: "We see many things. I see that you are not getting dressed."
A: "NO! I mean we have two eyes, why do we see only ONE thing??"
Me: "I still see only one of you not getting dressed."
A: "MOMMMMM! We have two eyes. There is only one you, one tv, one cat - well two cats, but they are different."
Me: "Good question."

Yes, I am comfortable in my own skin, so this is not really whining. I hope....
I nurture Andrew, the cats, plants, house, yard, etc. Who nurtures me?

This could be its own post titled Cat Crap Fever.
Today is trash day, so I cleaned the litter boxes yesterday. So, why then, did I wake up this morning to cat crap on the rugs in the dirt room?
Guess I nurture the laundry also.....

Sunday, June 08, 2008

It's Inevitable

The couple times my Granddad lived with us during my formative years, I would chuckle (ok, heckle) at how, during baseball season, he would regularly sit in his chair, "watch" (i.e. listen) to the Royals games, and promptly fall asleep. I'd think to myself "sheesh! old people!" Well, apparently, I am old. I'm not watching the Royals nor living under my kid's roof - as it is MY roof, but I do have my chair, and I thoroughly enjoy relaxing there watching the Red Sox. Frequently, Andrew will crawl up on my lap, and we cuddle during the games. Yes, sometimes I do nod off. Routines are routines no matter the age or team. :)

Friday, June 06, 2008

Credit Awareness

Got home this afternoon to a recorded message about possible fraudulent charges on one of my credit cards. I called right away. Someone pretending to be me charged up $520 worth on ralphlauren website. Now, I love that designer, but I am in absolutely NO position to spend frivolously. Account was canceled. Went to log into my online account, and that account no longer shows. Called Customer Service and was told once the account is canceled, it will disappear from online viewing. One thing that caught my attention was the website telling me my last log on was this morning at 10:08. Um. No. I was bored at work, but did not look at personal account other than bank. I changed my User ID as well as password. I am now on a crusade to change all online user names (where I can) and passcodes. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check your credit card charges NOW! Thankfully Chase has a withit fraud department. Or, maybe I was delusional today and ordered a fancy new outfit for the weekend. Nope. Wasn't THAT bored. ;)

Sunday, June 01, 2008


Thought I was wicked smaht. Perhaps not. So unable to figure out the "features" of my new mobile. And, No Mother, I did not pay this much for it. I have connections..... ;)