Sunday, December 24, 2006

Batteries NOT Included

God love our children. Even if they insist on having a birthday right before Christmas. Uncle Doug sent Andrew a "Fast & Furious" remote (ermote) car duo kit thing. Once such a cool present is open, it must be played with at once! Regardless of outdoor weather. One catch. Batteries are not included. I called my brother and left the following message. Didn't identify myself, just said, "2 9-volts and 12 AA's" then hung up. After the first day of play, one car is already dead. Today, Andrew & I had our Christmas since we will be flying to San Diego this evening. He opened one of those Lightastix kits. 4 AA's. Handheld Wheel of Fortune game? 2 AAA's. I love the people who did the handheld Yahtzee game. It actually came with the batteries!!! Thank you Hasbro.

My next stock purchase? Duracell.

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Let it Snow

Friday's drive to work was very similar to Monday's except the snow was coming down heavier and faster, and it had been coming down since the wee hours of the morn. Some things I have learned, and others that just make ya go "hunh".

1. Thin socks are worthless no matter the shoe/boot.
2. Washer fluid doesn't necessarily freeze unless the level is low enough.
3. Snow works well as a windshield cleaner.
4. Andrew loves to use the snow-ice scraper/brush. He even used it on the driveway.
5. Snowflakes CAN fly up one's nose like a bug.
6. My California car with it's California tires work well. Spun out only once.
7. Advance plans are necessary when there is a two hour delay in the start of school.
8. Neighbors are incredible.
9. Timberland has a smoking area that is a hut. Weather matters not to these folks.
10. Even the one crazy person who was in shorts.
11. Kids don't instinctively know how to pack a good snowball in powdery snow.
12. They do know that one must have a snowball fight no matter the type of snow.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

When it Rains, It Pours

So, today was day 3 at Timberland. When I called to check messages at home and on my cell phone (Nextel does not work in the building), there were no less than six messages regarding positions at other companies - actually in the northern New England area. For the time being; I'm happy where I am.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Gee, Thanks Jenny

Because I always do what I'm told.....

Here are the rules - Each player of this game starts with the "6 Weird Things about You." People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog!"
So, 6 weird things about me.

1. I flunked my driver's test the first time I took it. Damn stick shift....

2. I moved from San Diego to New Hampshire - by choice!

3. I can move my knuckles in a way no one understands, and many are creeped out.

4. I love cauliflower and brussel sprouts. Ok, so a cheese sauce helps, but I do love veggies.

5. Even at 40 years of age, I can't wait for the next Harry Potter movie. I can wait for book 7..... A bit scared for that one. Those who have read book 6 know of what I speak.

6. Santa Claus is real! :)

So, Jenny, you sent this to me, but I'm sending it back to you. Rules don't say I can't! ;)

Don't really know anyone else with a blog, but here goes:

Karen, Dave, Diana, Beth, Laurie

The Perfect Monday?

Started my new job today. I think it is going to be good. HUGE learning curve. Andrew & I have been wanting/wishing/waiting for it to snow. Heck, there was snow in Seattle for heaven's sake! Anyway, today we got our wish. A lovely snow shower taking him to school, and also as I drove onto Timberland. I took that as a good sign for the new job. :)