Monday, December 04, 2006

Gee, Thanks Jenny

Because I always do what I'm told.....

Here are the rules - Each player of this game starts with the "6 Weird Things about You." People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog!"
So, 6 weird things about me.

1. I flunked my driver's test the first time I took it. Damn stick shift....

2. I moved from San Diego to New Hampshire - by choice!

3. I can move my knuckles in a way no one understands, and many are creeped out.

4. I love cauliflower and brussel sprouts. Ok, so a cheese sauce helps, but I do love veggies.

5. Even at 40 years of age, I can't wait for the next Harry Potter movie. I can wait for book 7..... A bit scared for that one. Those who have read book 6 know of what I speak.

6. Santa Claus is real! :)

So, Jenny, you sent this to me, but I'm sending it back to you. Rules don't say I can't! ;)

Don't really know anyone else with a blog, but here goes:

Karen, Dave, Diana, Beth, Laurie

1 comment:

Biker Food Dude said...

1) I don't have a blog
2) I have a memory problem
3) I don't understand the rules

I do have wierd things...I am so into Premier League Football (known as Soccer) more specifically Manchester United and I grew up in Oklahoma! (did not have soccer there then).

I'm happy Nancy got the job at Timberland because she will get employee discounts on flannel shirts and hiking boots so if she ever does go forward with that lesbian B&B, she'll have cheap access to a "uniform".

I enjoy busting Nancy's chops about moving to New Hampshire to open a lesbian B&B!
There could be a niche market we don't know about!

I'm not sure Nancy had a problem finding a "MAN". She drinks beer, watches football and uses hand tools!

I'm going to be working for the company Nancy was contracting to and probably on the job she was working on!

When Nancy gets a Strobo she tells them her name is "DAVE". I on the other hand refuse to have them put my name as "NANCY" when I order a coffee!!!

Odd but true facts about Dave.