Monday, January 21, 2008


Let's see here. What has happened since my last post.
Snow. Probably some snow. Maybe a bit of snow. Oh, and I think it might have snowed. Kids have already used up all their built-in snow days for the school year. They love the snow days, but I betchya they sure won't like going longer in June.
KU basketball is still undefeated. So are the Patriots. Super Bowl is next week. Stupid Mannings (not Danny of course).
Hard drive on laptop crashed. I get to find some place to take it for a possible data recovery. Whoopdeedoo.
Thus, I found out just how slow my desktop is. RAM anyone? Apparently, there are different types.
Three Imitrex migraine. THAT was fun.
Andrew had his first overnight. It was a big success for all! :)
How to get your kid to help shovel snow? Have them pick out their own shovel! Has worked so far! heehee.
Happy Frozen Boogers to all!

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