Friday, November 10, 2006

Leaf It Be

Wow. Two blogs in one day. Must be a record. Ok, so the lawn mower wasn't really the best idea for the job. It picked up some leaves. Mulched more, and blew around even more. I actually used the "blow" feature to blow some leaves out into the street. Hope the neighbors weren't watching. Just noticed that the winds have blown all the leaves off my garage roof. They are the ones most likely in leaf bags in the garage. Driveway looks nice. Let's wait an hour. Windy day and leaf pickup do not mix. It's November 10th, and I'm sweating. Inside out.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're sweating from actually doing something that didn't require me, I know.
I didn't want you to think I had gone all soft and fuzzy after our talk today!