Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Good Question(s)

Yesterday morning:
Andrew: "Mom, if we have two eyes, why do we only see one thing?"
Me: "We see many things. I see that you are not getting dressed."
A: "NO! I mean we have two eyes, why do we see only ONE thing??"
Me: "I still see only one of you not getting dressed."
A: "MOMMMMM! We have two eyes. There is only one you, one tv, one cat - well two cats, but they are different."
Me: "Good question."

Yes, I am comfortable in my own skin, so this is not really whining. I hope....
I nurture Andrew, the cats, plants, house, yard, etc. Who nurtures me?

This could be its own post titled Cat Crap Fever.
Today is trash day, so I cleaned the litter boxes yesterday. So, why then, did I wake up this morning to cat crap on the rugs in the dirt room?
Guess I nurture the laundry also.....


Unknown said...

Just think of it as "job security."

Melissa said...

The difference between nurturing and enabling can be a fine line, or so I've found. More often than not I've erred on the side of enabling....now have my work cut out for me to learn new habits :-)