Friday, November 10, 2006

Inside Out

Doing laundry can be very insightful. As I'm spending just as much time turning Andrew's shirts and pants right side out for washing as I do folding them when clean, I realised that maybe my life is inside out. It's November 10th in northern New England. It's about 60 degrees and sunny. Yesterday, I think it hit 70 in some areas. Do we blame global warming? At the same time, there are sleds, shovels, and various deicing items on display in the stores. Light jackets have been packed away, and winter coats, scarves, gloves, & hats have been brought out. We need the light jackets today. This is the first full sunny day in a week. Tomorrow afternoon sometime, it is supposed to start raining again for the next couple of days. Tuesday, the town is actually picking up the leaf bags - normally one has to load all the bags in one's car and schlep down to the transfer station (i.e. dump) to unload - curbside. You are thinking, "Well Rehfeld get your lazy arse out there and clean up your leaves!" I'd love to. Our one sunny day in a week and before the leaf pickup. It's windy as hell. I'll do a cursory passthrough with the mower. No raking up piles today. They'll just blow away. Inside out.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is New England.. If you don't like the weather? Wait a minute.. It's gray and gloomy today on the heels of weather so beautiful that my Iris bulbs think it is the spring..