Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Going to rant here. Hey, it's my blog.

Where do people get off thinking that their kids are not their priority?? Even before the moment of conception, there has to be a realisation that for the next 18+ years, you are no longer your first priority. Your kid(s) is/are!! In order to attempt anonymity, I'm going to use fake names. "Betty" is unable to find it necessary to pay her rent, thus she is getting evicted. No biggie for her except that her son "Bobbie" lives with her. He's not comfortable living with his Dad and other sibs, so he has chosen his mother. So now, at this young age, not only must he be the grown-up, he also has to decide where he's going to live. His Dad is probably option number one for sheer sake of geography (the other two choices are out of state) except for the getting along thing. All three choices require a change of school, and school has already started.

When is keeping up your hedonistic lifestyle more important than providing for your child??? Hedonistic lifestyles are fine when it's just you, and you have no other responsibilities. She chose to have these kids. It's all she wanted. Then reality came up and smacked her in the face. I'm about ready to smack her in the face. Show some responsibility moron!!!

And don't even get me started on parents who refuse to pay child support because "it isn't convenient, and I don't have any money left over after paying all my other bills." Um, lugnut, your kid's welfare should be the FIRST check you write. Sheesh.....

Thank you for letting me vent.

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