Sunday, April 23, 2006

Yankee Doodle Dandy

Hello folks. Sorry for the silence. Not much of a creative side these days. Too much of the right brain is being used to organize the house. My office is pretty much the last room to do, and I just can't get motivated. Anyway....

Andrew got out his piano books from when he was taking lessons in Encinitas. He found and taught himself how to play "Yankee Doodle Dandy". Pretty appropriate if you ask me. He sang along as he played the piano. I need to find my camcorder and see if he'll do it again. It was absolutely precious! What a perfect song to choose!

I have a new washer and dryer. All this modern technology is boggling my mind. I needed to find out what the situation was about the locked door on the washer. So, I go searching for the instruction manual. It told me all about how to load and what temps to use, etc, but nothing about the door being locked except for the fact that due to safety, the door locks. All I wanted to know was why does it take eons for the door to unlock when I push pause to add a garment??? Within the instruction manuals was a DVD for the washer. A DVD????? Haven't popped it in the player yet. That would be fun family time. Sheesh!!

Off to get Andrew out of the shower. Speaking of which, happy April ones to all. :)

Nancy, Andrew, & Kittyprissypants

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blogging means actually putting info out there.

Still waiting.....